I have been tracking shares of Pentasoft Technologies for about a month now (The financial results of the company suck, but the share price seems to be rising due to the trading volume). Last month it was priced at 2.65 Rs./ share. Today it is at 3.70 Rs./share. How does this matter? Well, consider you had bought 10000 shares last month, investing 26500 Rs. Today, it would fetch you 37000 Rs!! ( I do agree that it is a risky proposition, but that’s not the point I am trying to make here). Do you see the significance of 1 rupee?? This is what stock markets teach you --- Every rupee counts.
Have you ever had to wait at a traffic junction for the lights to turn green? Do you remember looking at the timer impatiently, as it was ticking every second? We don’t realize how 8 hours go by at work, or for that matter, how 4 years pass by at college. But every second at a traffic signal brings down our patience exponentially!!
Can 1 person really make a significant difference to our world? Think again! How many developers did it take to write the first Linux kernel? Do you realize the support for the kernel today? Numerous devices from PDAs to PCs, from wrist watches to supercomputers run Linux. Some of the worlds largest companies like Google, IBM, Hp, Motorola (ThoughtWorks??) etc run their businesses on Linux.
The message that I am trying to convey is that ‘1’ is still significant in today’s world and will continue to be so in the future. One person can definitely make a significant difference. It’s up to you – give up, or accept the challenge.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.